
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Power Prayer. . .

Almost three years ago I went to a camp with one of my best friends Haley.  First let me tell you a little bit about Haley and I and how we met.  Haley and I met in preschool and have been friends ever since.  When Haley was starting preschool, she was really worried that she would miss her mom too much while she was at school.  Haley's mom prayed with Haley that Jesus would help her find a friend that she could be with and not get too homesick.  Preschool started, and the Holy Spirit led Haley to me and me to Haley.  The faith of young Haley and her trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, brought me to my best friend.  Five years later, Haley and I were  going to a summer camp in the mountains that was run by Haley's church.  The camp was really fun!!!  I learned a lot about how to share my faith and why it was so important to spread the love of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  I swam, did archery, hiked, ate yummy food, laughed, and kept active.  I enjoyed the camp very much and on the last night there, we had a time of prayer in the chapel.  I had had a rough year because my dad was struggling with being an alcoholic and it was really effecting my family.  That night, the Holy Spirit led me to pray with my cabin group and our group leader: Haley's mom.  I felt the Holy Spirit move me to tell of my hard year, and soon I was in tears with many loving arms around me.  That night we prayed for my dad and that he would stop drinking and that Jesus would heal him.  A year later, my dad was still drinking.  Two years later, my dad was still drinking and my family was still struggling.  Now, on May 25, 2011 my dad will have been sober for eleven months!  If you have been praying for God to help somehing in your life, to heal someone, to help someone, for stronger faith, or anything, and it hasn't happened yet.  God remembers, and God hears us.  It may be tough now, and it may seem like God has forgotten you, but He hasn't.  He remembers you and will help you, hang in there, don't give up.

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